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Category: tree of knowledge


            Pamela Colman Smith was the designing artist of the Rider-Waite Deck Tarot Cards.  According to the box that the cards came in she was “under the direction of Arthur Edward Waite”.  They were with the Order of the Golden Dawn and this particular deck came out in 1910.  “Waite was able to restore in great part the original symbolic meanings that had been lost or changed in the passage of time.  There are those who say that the symbols had been deliberately changed, in some cases to throw the Roman Church off the track and prevent the priests from appropriating the Tarot’s verities for their own purposes.”[1]
            “The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was founded in England in 1886 as a result of the discovery and deciphering of some ancient manuscripts on occult initiation.”[2]  I do not pretend to know what this group really did, or how they thought along spiritual lines, but the word “occult” simply means:  “to hide from sight, conceal”[3].  Somehow Tarot and Qabalistic (also Kabalah or Cabala) Symbolism are tied together, and when we come to the Rider Deck, it may be more closely tied together than the average person realizes.  (And I have serious doubts that people who read the cards for fortune telling have the slightest idea what the Cards are really even presenting symbolically.)  What I mean by this is that there is a definite KEY CARD – the Ten (or X) of Pentacles (or Coins).  On this card are ten pentacle coins and they are placed on the card in order to represent the ten Spheres on the Kabalah Tree of Life.  This KEY CARD is useful in understanding the rest of the deck, for with its use you know what is placed on the card is found to be located for a specific sphere or a particular path of the Tree.  So in order to really understand the symbolism of the Tarot one must become familiar with the Kabalah Tree of Life Matrix.  I believe that this would take many years for someone to accomplish!  I have not really wanted to dedicate myself to this particular study, but I do find it quite interesting.

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Government Shutdown and Border Problems Pt. 2

            After posting about Nehemiah’s wall on January 30, 2019 (explaining why there needs to be a wall or fence on the southern border of the United States of America), I decided I needed to delve further into the topic.  So I turned to W. Gordon Brown’s book FROM GENESIS TO REVELATION.  I found that I could not just present Nehemiah to you because he is part of a group of books that must be seen as a whole, or a compound idea.  I will give you a basic overview of what Brown presents in this section from his book.  I realize that I jumped the gun in presenting Nehemiah first.  And so, we must first understand what took place before Nehemiah because Ezra must take place first – even though what takes place in Ezra and Nehemiah are pretty much simultaneous.  But both books present different things being rebuilt – parts of Jerusalem.  I am presenting these five books to you because of what is going on in the United States of America, and how its heads of government are fighting on one issue – the wall.

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What is a MOB?

            Recently the mainstream (Liberal) Media have tried to erase the word “mob” when used to describe leftist groups who are harassing Republicans or people they just plain do not like.  One example: opinion news commentator Tucker Carlson.  Just this week a Leftist group gathered around his house.  His wife was the only one home, he was at work (which I bet they knew), and fortunately their children were not at home.  Mrs. Carlson did not know what was going on but she did call 911 for help.  These people (Antifa) were yelling out and trying to break down the front door.  These people were not protesters, as they pretend to be or call themselves, no, they were vandals and they were also a MOB!
            Let me go to the dictionary (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary) to tell you what the word “mob” actually means – and let us see if the mainstream (Liberal-Socialist) Media actually is correct in trying to get people to stop using the word “mob”.  Should they really be shushing their guests?  Do not their guests have the “freedom of speech”?

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Are There Sixteen Commandments?

            Is it possible that there are sixteen Commandments instead of ten?  Perhaps the BIBLE’S Ten Commandments represent man’s ascension to heaven (home, harmony), while six other Commandments; or rather Six Tenets represent God’s descending from heaven, as the Bride, or the Word that is God (Rev. 21:10)?  Is it also possible that these Six Tenets provide mankind with true Democracy through self-government?  I feel as if the Ten Commandments were given to Israel when they needed a material church organization with rules, and Moses (and then his successors, the Levite priests) were the Law givers giving the people their shall nots.  In other words, the early Israelite Church was not based upon self-government but had a bunch of rules and regulations to be followed.  The Ten Commandments, however, were set in stone (ten portions of the infinite divine calculus).  They are our Father-Mother God’s Law that we must follow and obey.  But once we have obeyed them and learned from them, was there something else that needed to be given to the people (both Israel and Christian alike)?  Would these Six Tenets be guidelines for mankind’s self-government via Principle (God)?
            It is quite interesting that when we add (addition is a function of the Christ) the Ten Commandments with these Six Tenets that we come up with the number of sixteen.  Sixteen is the same number for the matrix structure for the divine infinite calculus.  There are sixteen main chapters for the Christian Science Textbook – SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Mary Baker Eddy.  Is it possible then that each of these chapters coincides with the Ten Commandments and the Six Tenets provided in SCIENCE AND HEALTH and the Christian Science Church Manual.  I am willing to take a chance and answer, “Yes.”  And I also feel that I must correlate this matrix pattern with WINDOW OF THE OPEN BOOK, a.k.a. the Director’s Window, located in the Edifice of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts.  I  feel that God revealed all of this to me on June 17, 2018 so that I can present to you the Bride of the City of our God (Christian Science) as, what I call, sixteen STARGATES.

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Second Edition

First Edition

            I wrote this post on Easter weekend (2018).  The first part I wrote on Saturday morning, the second on Easter morning.  After writing the first section I was watching a recording of Watter’s World with Jessie Watters.  There was an interview segment where Jessie went out on the street to ask people questions about Easter.  He asked a man what happened on Easter.  He said that Jesus resurrected a second time.  Of course, everybody who saw the segment probably laughed at this man’s response, but it got me to thinking.  Did Jesus need to resurrect a second time?  And it came to me, “Why, yes, he did.  Jesus was resurrected, and possibly ascended as well, two times in human history.”  And I believe that the Illustration seen above could possibly represent Jesus’ second resurrection/ascension.

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Prophecy Dreams

Mental Movies from Early March to June 22, 1996

            I had a mental movie (a dream) where I was feeding my son a banana.  I peeled it open; inside the fruit sprouted another banana.  Then a construction worker came in and took the banana out of my hand and fed it to my mother-in-law.
            To eat a banana by peeling it means that you eat it tail first.  To me this meant that I needed to have demonstrations by depending only upon SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES by Mary Baker Eddy.  The last chapter of this book is “Fruitage” and it is all about healing testimonies that have taken place to those who read the book only.

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THE FOUR HORSEMEN RIDE AGAIN!  (some new insights)
            Once again, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, in The WATCHTOWER (No. 3 2017), have gotten it wrong about the four horsemen of Revelation 6.  The title of their article is “The Four Horsemen How Their Ride Affects You”.  Below is a graph I made that has to do with the divine infinite calculus, the four living creatures.  The four horsemen are located near the bottom of the second box.

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The Twelve Tribes – Part 1

            “Which Show the Workings of The Spiritual Idea.”— (S&H 562:18)
            Jacob (their father) “the revelation of Science.” (S&H 589)
            “And behold a ladder [a ramp or pyramid] set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven:  and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.”— (Gen. 28:12)
            “No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man which is in heaven.” (John 3:13)

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