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Category: Star of Bethlehem Flower

CHRISTMAS 2022 – Part A

            Mary Baker Eddy wrote a poem, had it illustrated, and titled it Christ and Christmas.  It was released on December 2, 1893. 

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Chapter 8 – The Third Woe’s Struggle and Peril

The Two Transits of Venus

            Venus, the morning star that Jesus promised to us in Revelation, traversed the sun twice during the first part of the twenty-first century.  By the way, one definition of “measure” is “traverse”.  I mention this because at the end of Chapter 7 I was talking about the second gift (Revelation 11) which is the rod, to measure the Temple and those within the Temple.  We all know that to measure something means to find out how big it is, but to measure can also mean to govern.  So the “rod” governs with divine Science, and the morning star (Venus) and the rod both have to do with divine Science.  But what is it that really governs Christian Scientists besides the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and the Church Tenets?  It is the Church Manual.  So, it is quite possible that the rod given to the man child in Revelation 12 happens to be Mary Baker Eddy’s Church Manual.  This Manual is only obeyed when the estoppel clauses are obeyed and The Mother Church is stopped, in other words it disorganizes!

            Both of the Venus transits took place on Tuesdays.  The first was on June 8, 2004 and the second one was on June 5, 2012.  These two transits, however, point to the third Christ Advent, when generic man (the second Sentinel) is recognized as the woman God-crowned.  But the third and most violent woe takes place after the two transits take place.  This is because error knows that its time is short and is fighting for life.  But error can never have any life, because, God did not create error or evil.  The only life evil and error ever have is the life that mortal minds give it as belief.

Behold I stand at the door, and knock, if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. — Christ Jesus.

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First Edition

Christianity as the Word with the Fifth Minor Stargate

Issachar (Jacob’s son).  A corporeal belief; the offspring of error; envy; hatred; selfishness; self-will; lust.” (S&H 589:1)  Reuben, the first son, goes out to collect mandrakes for his mother Leah, so that she might conceive again.  Rachel, however, makes a deal with her sister, she will let Jacob be with her in return for the mandrakes.  Leah hires her husband to be with her and she conceives.  Leah says, “God hath given me my hire, because I have given my maiden [given my virginity – this is her “increasing virtue”] to my husband” (Gen 30:18).
Eve gives birth to Cain (S&H 538:23-540:24)
Dragon cast out of heaven (S&H 567:14-488:12)

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Starflower of Boston – Part 4


TRUTH {Christian Science} versus ERROR {spiritualism}

Second version of Truth versus Error

Today, as oft, away from sin
            Christ summons thee:
Truth pleads to-night:  Just take Me in!
            No mass for me!

Scriptural basis:
            Behold I stand at the door, and knock, if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. — Christ Jesus.

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Starflower of Boston – Part 1

            Helen Wright’s book STAR OF BOSTON The Life of Mary Baker Eddy has three sections to it.  Part I is about Mary Baker Eddy fulfilling Isaiah 54, Part II is Atonement and Eucharist: the story of the Second Coming of the Christ as Revelation, and Part III is about Christ and Christmas, an illustrated poem by Mary Baker Eddy.  And finally there is a Conclusion.
            What I would like to talk to you about is Part III of her book.  Helen uses quote excerpts from the writings of Alice Orgain and a manuscript attributed (but never confirmed) to Judge Septimus J. Hanna.  When she quotes from this manuscript she places a question mark after Hanna’s name.  She also gives us some ideas on the topic by John Pawlik, someone she knew.  I have studied Christ and Christmas for years, and am not sure that I agree with everything that Alice Orgain writes upon the topic, but I am open to changing my mind.  And I think that I have done so on Illustration 8 – TREATING THE SICK.  It is explained in Helen’s book that every illustration points to a particular time in Mary Baker Eddy’s life, which is probably so, and so I will try and bring out that point to you, as I do not know if I have succeeded in my past posts on the topic in this respect (or on this topic).  Part 1 is about how Christ and Christmas correlates with the symbols in The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston.  Parts 2 and 3 have to do with Sharon’s Rose Matrix and its alignment with WINDOW OF THE OPEN BOOK, a Rose Window on the South side of the little edifice in Boston.
            Helen did not include the material written by Doris Grekel (from one of her biographies on Mary Baker Eddy and in some of her pamphlets she used to publish).  This could be because Helen did not have room for everything out there written on Christ and Christmas, for her book is only 257 pages long and Alice Orgain’s two books are WAY bigger!
            I do not know John Pawlik, so I will leave him out of my discussion, because what I want to explain, at this point, is the big difference between the Orgain, Hanna (?), and Grekel ideas on Christ and Christmas.

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What is a MOB?

            Recently the mainstream (Liberal) Media have tried to erase the word “mob” when used to describe leftist groups who are harassing Republicans or people they just plain do not like.  One example: opinion news commentator Tucker Carlson.  Just this week a Leftist group gathered around his house.  His wife was the only one home, he was at work (which I bet they knew), and fortunately their children were not at home.  Mrs. Carlson did not know what was going on but she did call 911 for help.  These people (Antifa) were yelling out and trying to break down the front door.  These people were not protesters, as they pretend to be or call themselves, no, they were vandals and they were also a MOB!
            Let me go to the dictionary (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary) to tell you what the word “mob” actually means – and let us see if the mainstream (Liberal-Socialist) Media actually is correct in trying to get people to stop using the word “mob”.  Should they really be shushing their guests?  Do not their guests have the “freedom of speech”?

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Are There Sixteen Commandments?

            Is it possible that there are sixteen Commandments instead of ten?  Perhaps the BIBLE’S Ten Commandments represent man’s ascension to heaven (home, harmony), while six other Commandments; or rather Six Tenets represent God’s descending from heaven, as the Bride, or the Word that is God (Rev. 21:10)?  Is it also possible that these Six Tenets provide mankind with true Democracy through self-government?  I feel as if the Ten Commandments were given to Israel when they needed a material church organization with rules, and Moses (and then his successors, the Levite priests) were the Law givers giving the people their shall nots.  In other words, the early Israelite Church was not based upon self-government but had a bunch of rules and regulations to be followed.  The Ten Commandments, however, were set in stone (ten portions of the infinite divine calculus).  They are our Father-Mother God’s Law that we must follow and obey.  But once we have obeyed them and learned from them, was there something else that needed to be given to the people (both Israel and Christian alike)?  Would these Six Tenets be guidelines for mankind’s self-government via Principle (God)?
            It is quite interesting that when we add (addition is a function of the Christ) the Ten Commandments with these Six Tenets that we come up with the number of sixteen.  Sixteen is the same number for the matrix structure for the divine infinite calculus.  There are sixteen main chapters for the Christian Science Textbook – SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Mary Baker Eddy.  Is it possible then that each of these chapters coincides with the Ten Commandments and the Six Tenets provided in SCIENCE AND HEALTH and the Christian Science Church Manual.  I am willing to take a chance and answer, “Yes.”  And I also feel that I must correlate this matrix pattern with WINDOW OF THE OPEN BOOK, a.k.a. the Director’s Window, located in the Edifice of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts.  I  feel that God revealed all of this to me on June 17, 2018 so that I can present to you the Bride of the City of our God (Christian Science) as, what I call, sixteen STARGATES.

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Publication by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE STANDARD, July 1, 1997

            The only quotation marks in this post will be those marks found in the original publication.  Although this issue is copyrighted (1997) the author, Stanley L. Larkin, is no longer here.  However, the Endtime Center is still up and running.  If any of them have issue with me printing the following then they can let me know and I will withdraw it as a post.  The main reason why I am posting it is because I feel that it is very important to present its message to the world again (over 20 years later).  I have other posts with some of the same material from the article by Mary Baker Eddy.
            {I will use these brackets for any interpolations I may make.}

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Prophecy Dreams

Mental Movies from Early March to June 22, 1996

            I had a mental movie (a dream) where I was feeding my son a banana.  I peeled it open; inside the fruit sprouted another banana.  Then a construction worker came in and took the banana out of my hand and fed it to my mother-in-law.
            To eat a banana by peeling it means that you eat it tail first.  To me this meant that I needed to have demonstrations by depending only upon SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES by Mary Baker Eddy.  The last chapter of this book is “Fruitage” and it is all about healing testimonies that have taken place to those who read the book only.

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Mother’s Consciousness
            While reading from the book building of The Mother Church, by Joseph Armstrong, on page 63, I came to his chapter “mother’s room”.  (I am not sure why he did not use capital letters when titling his chapters.)  He begins his chapter with two verses from the BIBLE.

Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. — Galatians 4:26

Her children arise up, and call her blessed;…let her own works praise her in the gates. — Proverbs 31:28, 31

Seen below is the capstone that was placed upon the homestead of the Baker family in Box, New Hamphire.  An unenlightened board of directors, in Boston, destroyed it (with dynamite) because they claimed it led to idolatry of Mary Baker Eddy.  The capstone was built by a mason and it is supposed to be the same exact size as the missing capstone to the Great Pyramid of Giza.  The capstone of the original Boston Edifice, is Mother’s Room.

From – Landmarks From Bow to Boston – published by the CSPS

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