The Ark of Truth- Mother's Hood

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Month: October, 2018



            In the Blue Book, Notes On Mary Baker Eddy’s COURSE IN DIVINITY; WATCHES, PRAYERS, ARGUMENTS; COLLECTANEA, on page 108, there is a letter written by Mary Baker Eddy, dated January 25, 1897.  One line reads, “You are master of the bad tendencies of Socialism and not at all at their cruel mercies.”  This prayer seems to be what we need today; we need to use these wise words in our Christian Science treatments.  Mary Baker Eddy’s words also prove that socialism (communism) is cruel, in other words, it is not based upon Love (or even love).

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            What happens to be taking place today with all the evil speaking (lies, fake news etc.) about President Donald J. Trump, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, etc., is not only character assassination but also mental assassination.  It is outright evil.  Are we, as Christian Scientists going to allow it to go on or continue?  If you are a Doctor Who fan, you may remember an episode where Earth is being invaded by aliens who are going to destroy Earth.  The female Prime Minister gave the order to send up a missile and destroy the alien ship after the Doctor had handled the situation.  The aliens were leaving peacefully.  The Doctor was most upset with her giving this order and he decided to make it so she would loose her job.  He did this simply by saying to her associate, “The Prime Minister looks tired.”  That was all that it took for the woman to loose her job.  It was a false statement; however, it did not matter.  The lie was enough to force her out of her government job.  The Doctor was wrong to do this, and I was quite upset that the writers of the show had the Doctor even commit such a heinous crime!  However, it gives you a perfect example of how words, or perhaps rumors, can ruin a person’s life and end their career!  This is the same tactic that the mainstream media uses today, along with socialist (communist) democrats.  False propaganda is a nasty trick used by communists and it has gotten to where it seems to be acceptable that such mental crimes are being committed in today’s world!  Odds are that the Special Council investigation by Robert Mueller, and his democratic team of lawyers, is part of this type of mental assassination and character assassination.

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